terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2014

New Year's Eve - what to wear

The new year's eve is coming and with it the indecision of what party to go, what to dress and so on. This year my decision was pretty easy, I'm sick so I'm staying at home ;) end of story.
For those who are staying at home like me or go to a friends/family house wearing a super fancy gown might not be an option but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't dress up. The last night of the year asks for a little sparkle, even it's on jewelry. So this year I made two outfits suggestions, one for a party and the other for a small get-together at home.

New Years eve

New years eve 2

segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2014

Winter Sales part 2

Today I bring you a selection of coats, knitwear and accessories. 

You may think everything is quite dull and plain but in reality every item has a special touch, the fitting, the materials,..., and are basics which means that are perfect to coordinate with trendy items that may l live in your wardrobe.

domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2014

Winter Sales!

The sales season has officially started today so once again I did my research and here are my proposals and recommendations.

Don't forget the shopping mantra: Quality over Quantity!
This is the opportunity to buy quality basics. Go for simplicity and leave the trendy items on the racks or on a second plan.
Get focus, this is the time to invest on lifetime items.

For starters bags and shoes :) 

Don't forget to visit the H. Concept tomorrow for more suggestions.

You can also see here and here previous posts about winter sales and wardrobe essentials.

segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014

Christmas Presents

Christmas is here once again (time goes by so fast) and I'm glad to had bought all my presents long ago, this way I can enjoy this season that I love so much with no rush :) Of course most of the people around me are still looking for presents, so once again here it is my suggestion list.

sábado, 8 de novembro de 2014

Christmas Decor

Despite the cold weather has only arrived this week, the christmas spirit has started to spread, at least at most shops and shopping centres. It seems that the warm weather distracted us from the fact that in less than a month it's time to decorate our homes for christmas (I always decor mine at the 1st of December) and getting ready for all the events that come with it (countless dinner parties, family events and so on).

I love christmas embellishments, actually I might have some obsession because I go nuts everytime I go to a decor shop, I always want to buy everything! If it was up to me I would have 4 christmas trees spread around the house. It's a little obvious that I adore this time of the year!

Well, I decided to take advantage of my obsession/passion and share with you some Christmas decor ideas. I hope you like it.

You can see a older post about Christmas decor here.

Apesar do tempo frio só ter chegado esta semana o espírito de Natal já se começou a espalhar, pelo menos na maioria das lojas e centros comerciais. Parece que o tempo quente nos distraiu do facto de que em menos de um mês é altura de decorar as nossas casas para o Natal (eu sempre decoro a minha a 1 de Dezembro) e prepararmo-nos para os eventos que vêm com ele (jantares natalícios, eventos familiares, etc...).

Eu adoro enfeites de natal, sinceramente eu acho que devo ter alguma obsessão porque eu fico doída sempre que entro numa loja de decoração (não é só no natal xD), apetece-me comprar tudo! Por mim, tinha 4 árvores de natal espalhadas pela casa. É um bocado óbvio que adoro esta altura do ano!

Bem, decidi então tirar partido desta minha obsessão/paixão e partilhar convosco algumas ideias de decoração para o natal. Espero que gostem.

Podem ver um post antigo sobre decoração de natal aqui.

All of these pictures and products are from Zara Home.

Todas as imagens e objectos são da Zara Home.

quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2014

Trend Alert: Sparkling

The metallics continue to make presence in this season. This trend come up in all different shades, from silver to pure gold and you can see it pretty much on every garment, from shoes to dresses and coats. These glowing shades are going to make us shimmer through the cold season.

 I'm madly in love with golden tones, especially champagne shadows,  I want everything in that colour (who would have thought of that??)! I'm kidding but I really think that the gold tone gives a warmer touch, but please don't forget, MODERATION

If you think a golden garment is too much for you start to bet on accessories and shoes ;)

Os metalizados continuam a marcar presença nesta nova estação. Esta tendência vem em diferentes tonalidades, desde o tom prata até ao dourado, e podemos encontra-las em todo o tipo de peças, desde calçado até aos vestidos e casacos. Estes tons luminosos vão nos fazer brilhar durante toda a estação fria.

 Eu estou loucamente apaixonada pelos tonalidades douradas, especialmente o tom champanhe, quero tudo nessa cor (quem diria?!). Estou a brincar mas eu acho que o dourado dá um toque mais quente, mas por favor não se esqueça, Moderação

Se acharem que uma peça de roupa dourada é demasiado, apostem nos acessórios e sapatos ;)

Saint Laurent
Saint Laurent

Saint Laurent
Dolce & Gabbana

Gold shimmer