quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2014

Santa off season

This time of year I feel like Santa part 2, well, maybe I don't get out Santa mode at all. February and March are the months with more birthdays together than the other ten months all combined.
 I love giving presents to my love ones. Giving something doesn't necessary means spending a lot of money, for me it's all about the gesture, to think what the person likes, to search something that I know they would love/need, basically to see a smile on their faces.
 I really like the process of chosing a present, taking the time and think how well do you know a person,  remeber something funny that happend and make a joke with it.

A cool idea for gifts are always sweets, who doesn't love them?? Here are some sweets that I'm offering to two friends of mine, one of them is crazy about gums so here it's a skewered of gums that you can make yourself.

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