quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2014

Organization Machine

Organization is a subject that awakens the best and worst of me. There are those days that I don't care if everything isn't knit and tidy, others that I can't look at the mess around me but don't know where to start and give up (add the laziness factor to that!), and there are those incredible days that some kind of power awakes in me and I transform into a cleaning/organizing machine. So this sunday was one of those days, the machine took control of me while I was looking at a huge pile of plastic bags inside of my closet. I though to myself why on earth are those plastic bags doing there, taking out a good amount of space of my closet?? It's always good to have plastic bags around the house but they should be stored in a proper space and in a way to occupy the less amount of space possible.
So here's an example how to fold a plastic bag.

1.Flatten the bag and get all the air out of it.

2. Fold the bag in half lengthwise, and flatten again to squeeze out the air.

3. Fold the bag again untill you have a strip like this.

4. Fold one bottom corner over to meet the other side to form a triangle.

5. Fold up the bottom of the bag at the line formed by the folded edge.

6. Repeat  this two-step folding until you reach the top of the bag.

7.  Fold the rest of the bag and handles and tuck one end into the triangle you have formed.

Et voilà!

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