quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015

Tangerine and Strawberry Ice, Pantone tasty colors

Among Marsala, in the 2015 Spring Pantone colors, are these two tasty shades: Tangerine and Strawberry Ice :)
Seriously, the first words that come up to my head when i see them are delicious, tasty, nhami (that's not even a word but that's what i think!), refreshing -> ice creams! (see the connection with food!). I know my description sucks so here are the Pantone version:

"Tangerine is a juicy orange shade that is energizing, yet not jarring to the eye. ... this fun loving color invites a smile."

"Strawberry Ice is suggestive of a cooling and refreshing delicacy, yet its warmth as a color is quite appealing. Subtle and charming."

I can easly imagine myself wearing these colors all summer, and having lunch parties at my backyard with a table dresses in these shades. 

Warm days, please hurry up!

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