terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2014

New Year's Eve - what to wear

The new year's eve is coming and with it the indecision of what party to go, what to dress and so on. This year my decision was pretty easy, I'm sick so I'm staying at home ;) end of story.
For those who are staying at home like me or go to a friends/family house wearing a super fancy gown might not be an option but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't dress up. The last night of the year asks for a little sparkle, even it's on jewelry. So this year I made two outfits suggestions, one for a party and the other for a small get-together at home.

New Years eve

New years eve 2

segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2014

Winter Sales part 2

Today I bring you a selection of coats, knitwear and accessories. 

You may think everything is quite dull and plain but in reality every item has a special touch, the fitting, the materials,..., and are basics which means that are perfect to coordinate with trendy items that may l live in your wardrobe.

domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2014

Winter Sales!

The sales season has officially started today so once again I did my research and here are my proposals and recommendations.

Don't forget the shopping mantra: Quality over Quantity!
This is the opportunity to buy quality basics. Go for simplicity and leave the trendy items on the racks or on a second plan.
Get focus, this is the time to invest on lifetime items.

For starters bags and shoes :) 

Don't forget to visit the H. Concept tomorrow for more suggestions.

You can also see here and here previous posts about winter sales and wardrobe essentials.

segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014

Christmas Presents

Christmas is here once again (time goes by so fast) and I'm glad to had bought all my presents long ago, this way I can enjoy this season that I love so much with no rush :) Of course most of the people around me are still looking for presents, so once again here it is my suggestion list.