sábado, 31 de maio de 2014

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014

Superfoods #Chia Seeds

Lately, the term superfood is seen everywhere, many of these superfood are/were unknown to many of us. In reality, most of these food  was already well known in the their regions. 
I've decided to search some information about of  superfoods to see benefits of  including them  on my diet. 
I'm going to start with the famous chia seeds. 

Chia seeds are one of the most powerful, functional, and nutritious superfoods in the world! 
It is extremely rich in fiber, antioxidants, protein, vitamins and minerals being the richest plant source in omega-3 which have up to date knowledge. 

Its benefits:

 - Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides
 - Controlling blood glucose
 - Helps in bone formation
 - Preventing early aging
 - Improving the body's immunity
 - Help in intestinal function
 - Eliminates fats and toxins from the body
 - Energy supply
 - Muscle strengthening
 - Prevents diabetes and cardiovascular disease
 - Controls blood pressure


  more omega-3 than salmon and flax seeds;
  more antioxidants than blueberries;
  more fiber than whole flakes;
  more calcium than milk;

terça-feira, 27 de maio de 2014

Paris #Day 4

The day started at Notre Dame, with the mandatory visit to the towers (not to be missed unless you have claustrofobia, breathing or cardiac problems since the climb is steep and the space is narrow), and the catedral itself.

Then we took a refreshing walk on the Île de la Cité, and by the side of Seine river until the Jardins des Tuileries. 
We went to Champs Élysées once again, this time we started with the Arc de Triomphe (you can go to the top but we opted not to go), and continued our tour with the proper stop at Laudurée and at the luxurious avenue Montaigne.

To end up our trip we went to Trocadero and had a small walk at Champ de Mars.

segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2014

White Jeans

A piece that you definitely should have in your wardrobe is a pair of white jeans. They can be very versatile, combine them with a pair of espadrilles and a laid back top and you are ready for a walk by the beach, or transform the look with a pair of high heels and a silk top for a night out. 

Check out my proposals.

White jeans

White Jeans II

White Jeans IV

White Jeans III

domingo, 25 de maio de 2014

Champions na Luz

Nunca a Champions esteve tão bem localizada como ontem!

O Real sofreu até aos últimos minutos mas acabou por dar a volta ao jogo e sagrar-se vencedor no melhor palco possível, na Luz :)

 Felicitaciones Real Madrid!

Águia Vitória também teve direito a sessão fotográfica com  a taça!

Paris #Day 3

Sunday morning and early afternoon were spent at the Louvre. You should prepare your visit in advance, and select which masterpieces/galeries you want to see.
We opted to see Decorative Arts, Italian paintings from the 17th century to the19th century (where is the famous Mona Lisa), French paintings from the 19th century, Egyptian and Greek Antiquities.
The rest of the afternoon was spent on Montmartre, with a visit to Sacre Couer. 

To end up the day, we went to Place de la Concorde and went through Champs Élysées, where we had a relaxed dinner.

Empress Eugene's Pearl Parure, Louvre

The famous Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre

Jeanne d'Arc statue

Sacre Coeur

Place de la Concorde

Grand Palais