sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011

Happy New Year

"Some people swore there is no beauty left in the world, no magic.
Then how do you explain the entire world coming together in one night?"
     From the movie New Years Eve

Makes sense to me. I think it's important to have a proper goodbye to the past year and welcome the new year in the best way possible. Humans cherish things, thats how we are, and that make us specials. I hope you have a great New Years Eve with the ones you love, and party untill the sunrise.

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

Starbucks, I miss you!

It's time to make some New Year resolutions and wishes. Of course they are very a very private thing, but there is one that can be share world wide and that maybe will help it come true.


Speaking of cold


No sure it works, but...

via grijs

Me vs cold

Why doesn't anyone let me stay in bed all day?? It's so cozy and warm and it's so cold outside :(

terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2011

Guava — PABLO

Guava — PABLO - Dark Grey

Guava — PABLO - Dark Grey (clipped to polyvore.com)

Look at this beauty, I loooove this shoe! It's from Guava, a portuguese shoe design brand, and you can know everything about it here. I just love the architectonical shapes and the colours.This one is Pablo in honour to Pablo Picasso. One day I'll have it! *sigh*


Last Dilema

Are you like me, with no idea where are you going to celebrate the new year? All of my friends have different ideas this year so it's complicated for me to chose...
 The chances are: pass midnight at home with a more intimate group and then go a party (no idea which one) or just stay in a friends house and spend there the night playing games and telling old stories... I rather go dancing on the 1st day of the year. A big party for me is the best way to start a new year.

New Year Eve - 2011/2012

New Year Eve - 2011/2012
I leave here two suggestions for the New Year Eve. One more sophisticated for a dress code party and the other a little bit more "casual" for a night club for example.

segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

The day after Christmas

So, how many pounds did you gain?? Shame on me, i ate like a whale in these two days :(

sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011

sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011

Precious Moments

Time to stop working and enjoy these little moments that are so precious between the loved ones.

quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2011

Christmas Lights # Lisbon


Christmas Decors

As you can notice I can be a little obsessed with this holiday, but what can I say, I just love it!!!
So, here are some pictures that I've found online of some decorations. I'm in favor   on the more funky items altought the more traditionals are always very special to me because of all the memories that they can bring up. The ideal is mix of all (with contention)!






quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011

Chill Out House

This is what I’m talking about, pure chill out!
Maison NW is a home and work studio created by the architect Nathalie Wolberg.
This fabulous house is located near Paris, and it was a former printing house (from the 50s) and now includes 9 artists’ workshops. 

How cool is this?!!

Via Archinect

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

To think...

Nowadays everyone have or had a social network account like facebook, so when i've found this article I thought i should share it. 

Austrian student sues Facebook for keeping 'deleted' data. (complete article)

Here is a summary:

"Austrian law student Max Schrems may be just one of about 800 million Facebook users, but that hasn't stopped him tackling the US giant behind the social networking website over its privacy policy.

The 24-year-old wasn't sure what to expect when he requested Facebook provide him with a record of the personal data it holds on him, but he certainly wasn't ready for the 1,222 pages of information he received.

This included photos, messages and postings on his Facebook page dating back years, some of which he thought he had deleted, the times he had clicked "like" on an item, "pokes" of fellow users, and reams of other information.

"When you delete something from Facebook, all you are doing is hiding it from yourself," Schrems told AFP in his home city of Vienna."

We should think better of what we share.


Christmas Lights # Moscow

It looks like has just pop out from a fairytale.

segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

Definitely to watch!

 This week is the premier of the movie New Years Eve, from the same director of Valentine’s Day, Garry Marshall. From what I read on the reviews this is not a sequel of the other movie although some of the characters show up in this movie. It’s a romantic comedy that takes place in New York City during the New Years Eve and the plot revolves around the lives of some couples and singles in NY that get their paths crossed on that night.
 The cast includes names as Halle Berry, Jessica Biel, Jon Bon Jovi, Robert De Niro, Sara Jessica Parker, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hillary Swank among other great reference names.

For more information or to leave your opinion check here.

Chrismtas Lights # London

London is always an Hit City, and during this time of year I bet it’s even more cool.

The intelligent ones go to bed later

I knew it!!

I’ve found this article on Público and I thing this theory explain a lot.
      The translation

The “owls” are more creative and “larks” are more organized. Between “artistic” and “pragmatics” brains that was the difference imposed by the rhythms of activity. But now a study broke this balance with a conclusion, at least, controversial: people who go to bed late have a tendency to be more intelligent than the others. By: Luís Francisco

Check the link:
Público - Os mais inteligentes deitam-se tarde

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011

Christmas Lights # Paris

Despite I'm not in great relations with winter I absolutly love this time of the year: Christmas! :) The lights, the carols, the decorations, the spirit, the food!!! and even the cold, cof cof. Untill the big day I'm going to post some of my favourites cities to visit during this time of year, even thought I have never  visited some of them.
I have to start with the one and only:  The City of Lights - Paris! 
For the unlucky ones (me included) that can't see this wonder live, here it is a peep of what we're missing.