terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

To think...

Nowadays everyone have or had a social network account like facebook, so when i've found this article I thought i should share it. 

Austrian student sues Facebook for keeping 'deleted' data. (complete article)

Here is a summary:

"Austrian law student Max Schrems may be just one of about 800 million Facebook users, but that hasn't stopped him tackling the US giant behind the social networking website over its privacy policy.

The 24-year-old wasn't sure what to expect when he requested Facebook provide him with a record of the personal data it holds on him, but he certainly wasn't ready for the 1,222 pages of information he received.

This included photos, messages and postings on his Facebook page dating back years, some of which he thought he had deleted, the times he had clicked "like" on an item, "pokes" of fellow users, and reams of other information.

"When you delete something from Facebook, all you are doing is hiding it from yourself," Schrems told AFP in his home city of Vienna."

We should think better of what we share.


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